Protect Wisconsin's rapid access to federal funds

2/13/24 to 3/01/24 | All Day

Wisconsin's rapid access to federal funds will be constrained if Assembly Joint Resolution 6 (AJR6) is passed. This resolution adds a layer of bureaucracy when the state is granted federal funding, requiring the state assembly's involvement rather than leaving the disposition of funds up to the governor, which is historically how funding and allocation are handled. With the current procedures, Wisconsin can quickly accept and allocate federal funds. AJR6 unnecessarily adds extra approval processes that prevent our timely access to critical investments in clean energy initiatives and emergency response.

Please contact your state senator and representative, letting them know that you oppose AJR6. 

Call or email this simple message. "I am a citizen of [town name] and I oppose AJR6. We need to retain our streamlined access to federal funding."

Senator Brad Pfaff: (608) 266-5490 (Senate District 32),
Representative Jill Billings: (888) 534-0095 [Assembly District 95],

For towns outside of the La Crosse area, find your representatives on

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