Business Sustainable Energy  Workshop May 9, 10-Noon, Western Technical College. Register here..

WIZM Talks with the Climate Alliance

WIZM Talks with the Climate Alliance

In a three-way conversation, WIZM host Rick Solem sparred with two members of the La Crosse nonprofit, Climate Alliance for the Good—Tom Schlesinger, the group’s executive director, and Nick Nichols, founding member and former sustainability coordinator for the county. Their lively exchange covered a range of climate-related topics.

Tom’s introduction that the subject of the conversation was that we need to protect everything we hold dear—families, homes, and our environment. The point is that the climate is an immediate and urgent issue threatening all of us. A recent UN report by climate scientists warned that we have to act quickly if we are going to slow down warming in time to prevent catastrophic consequences. The good news is that we have the tools we need, right now, to address climate change.

The motivation to make change is reinforced by the economic benefits. Wisconsin stands to gain enormously through using electricity made from renewable energy sources. Nick pointed out the Center of Wisconsin Strategy (COWS!) report, which shows that right now Wisconsin spends $14 billion annually for its energy from fossil fuels. By switching to local energy sources, from solar, wind, geothermal, and hydro, Wisconsin can generate all of its own energy and keep that money circulating in the local economy. To make the shift, we need to do what each of us can do, talk about what we are doing with friends and family, and let our representatives know of our climate concerns. Click here to listen to the April 19th lively exchange about climate and what we can do about it.

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